Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Today is beautifully carnal

I decided, a month or so back to start a blog, i promised to write every day and as in my nature, I forgot, time slipped away from me and I left you hanging.

Not that anyone really reads this blog yet, but i feel as though i may have let you down in the future.

What has happened since I last logged on?
Oh so many things! Where to start.

I met a friend, went on said date with friend, to watch a movie we didn't watch. Oh my! When is it that your too busy talking to enjoy a movie?

So, I made some decisions, not sure if they are good or bad or indifferent but they are, well they just are.

I decided that I was going to stop making new years resolutions, I never stick to them, I dont even believe in them.
I decided that I wanted to dye my hair blue.
I decided that I wanted another tattoo, but of what i have no idea, where no clue, just that I want one.

I decided that Vegas is going to happen. Its my best friends wedding for fucks sake, how can i miss that?

That Im not fond of people as much as i would like to be.
I just dont care for them anymore.
Some people entertain me but others just disappoint me.

Ok so im done, thanks for reading, and I hope that I will be able to get on here more often to start my stories and share my ideas and thoughts!

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