Sunday, March 21, 2010


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say evil is the absence of good, hate the absence of love, and death is the absence of life. There is never a time in anyone’s life where they feel the need to be absent in another’s life. Those feelings are deemed inconceivable, incorrect or rather taboo.

Boy meets girl. Girl falls for boy. Girl tells boy she loves him. Boy gets scared and out of duty reiterates that emotion. Now here is where things go wrong. Boy should have never told girl he loves her if he didn’t mean it. And girl should have never let boy tell her that he loves her knowing he doesn’t.

Absence of knowledge is called ignorance. If you know something and fail to tell someone is that absence of a conscience? For those of us who use self deprecating actions and have harmful morals is a threat only to ourselves. There is nothing grand about being grandiose or self righteous. There is nothing superb about being better, stronger faster. It only means you get to finish faster, and finishing faster isn’t always better.

Delay in commenting on how she is dressed or how he looked at her. Repeat frequently how you dress, how you get looked at. Delay in judgment for there is always someone judging you. Never hide your true intentions, just be. Never lie to mask how you feel, just feel.

Emotions run in all of us, no matter how hard we try to mask them, name them, or excuse them. Understanding your emotions is one of the greatest battles you will ever have to face as a human. Especially if you were ever a human in love, lust or the polar opposite, you still have un-handled emotions.

As humans, we are our own worst enemies, beating and stomping something so beautiful, so precious and delicate until it is no longer. Or melting and cooling it over and over until it is as hard as pavement we walk on each day. No one will ever know why we do what we do, but we just do.

Thoughts for the day……
